Waste Management; waste generation, reduction at source, reuse, separation according to its characteristics and type, accumulation, collection, temporary storage, transportation, intermediate storage, recycling, recovery including energy recovery, disposal, monitoring after disposal processes, control; It is a form of management that covers and auditing activities.
The "Waste Management Regulation" of all enterprises; It is required to collect, store and send to licensed companies the wastes generated within the scope of the project separately, according to the waste codes specified in the relevant regulation.
In this context, as EKOÇED;
- Creating a Waste Management Plan for the prevention and reduction of waste generation and obtaining legal permissions from relevant institutions,
- Creating a Hazardous Waste Temporary Storage Area in accordance with environmental legislation, obtaining legal permission from the relevant institution,
- Establishment of waste collection points suitable for the purpose of separate collection at the source of the waste within the enterprise,
- Waste disposal operations – Preparation of MOTAT waste transportation requests,
- We provide Consultancy Services with our experienced engineers in the fields of making the Mass Balance System entries regularly and preparing and submitting the Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste Declarations to the relevant institution.