Our Services

BEKRA Statement (SEVESO) and Consultancy

Dioxin gas, one of the most toxic gases known to date, occurred in the accident that took place in the factory of ICMESA Chemical Company in the town of Seveso, Italy, in 1976. Thereupon, the European Union (EU) accepted the "SEVESO Directive", which was prepared in order to prevent the occurrence of industrial accidents and to take necessary measures.

In this context, the “Regulation on the Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents and Mitigation of Their Effects” (BEKRA) was published on 30 December 2013 for the implementation of the Seveso Directive in our country. In accordance with this regulation, businesses that have dangerous substances have to declare the substances and their quantities through the Integrated Environmental Information System.

In order for the BEKRA (Seveso) notification to be made correctly, first of all, the chemical classification must be made by experts in the field and the chemicals within the scope must be determined.

Calculations are made by taking into account the lower and/or upper threshold values ​​for the dangerous substances that fall within the scope of the hazard categories listed in the annex of the Regulation on the Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents and the Reduction of Their Effects, and the scope of the enterprises is determined.

As EKOÇED, chemical classifications are made by our experienced engineers, BEKRA notifications are made and we provide consultancy services for process follow-up.