Our Services

Hand, Arm and Whole Body Vibration Exposure Measurement

Vibration is an expression that describes the oscillatory movements that occur in a mechanical system. Vibration occurs as a result of the oscillating movement of tools, equipment and machines while working. Working and poorly balanced tools and equipment often generate vibrations, as well as pneumatic hammers, portable saws, grinding machines, weaving looms, pressing machines, etc. used in industry. There are many sources of vibration such as

The amount and exposure times of these vibrations are of great importance for employees. Long-term and high-frequency mechanical vibrations pose a risk to the health and safety of the workers when transferred to the hands, arms or the whole body of the workers and may cause especially vascular, bone, joint, nerve and muscle disorders.

For this reason, in order to ensure that employees are protected from health and safety risks that may arise as a result of exposure to mechanical vibration, the detection and prevention of risks arising from vibration in accordance with the "Regulation on the Protection of Employees from Risks Related to Vibration" published in the Official Gazette dated 22.08.2013 and numbered 28743, based on the Occupational Health and Safety Law. Vibration Exposure measurements are made on behalf of